Faculty Works | Hamilton College



World War II, Maurice Isserman

The Bulgarian Labour Market in Transition, Derek C. Jones

Employee Ownership: An Overview of its Growing Incidence Around the World, Derek C. Jones and Avner Ben-Ner

Employee Stock Ownership Plans in Japan, Derek C. Jones and Takao Kato


On Entry of New Firms in Socialist Economies: Evidence from Bulgaria, Derek C. Jones and Mieke Meurs


Worker Participation and Worker Self-Management in Bulgaria, Derek C. Jones and Mieke Meurs

Literary Value and The Wings of the Dove, Onno Oerlemans

Saturday Night (Samedi Soir), Monique Proulx and Naomi Guttman


Whiting the Wrongs of History: The Resurrection of Scott Joplin, Peter J. Rabinowitz

Mothers in Israel: The Puritan Rhetoric of Child-bearing, Margaret Olofson Thickstun


Remembering Corruption: Charter Revision and the Elusive Lessons of Scandal in New York City, Frank Anechiarico


The Responsibility of the Police Command for Street-Level Actions, Frank Anechiarico and Stephen L. Lockwood

Corruption and Racketeering in the New York City Construction Industry: Final Report to Governor Mario M. Cuomo, Ronald Goldstock and Frank Anechiarico

Thanksgiving/Yom Kippur; The Mountain; Sudden Death; The Panda Says Goodbye; Deficiencies of Human Air; Triad at six a.m.; What We Miss, Naomi Guttman

The Gift, Naomi Guttman

Dorothy Healey Remembers: A Life in the American Communist Party, Dorothy Healey and Maurice Isserman

Participation, Productivity, and the Firm's Environment: A Comment, Derek C. Jones

The Effects of Worker Participation, Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing on Economic Performance, Derek C. Jones and Jeffrey Pliskin

The Will to Knowledge and the Process of Narrative in Paradise Lost, Onno Oerlemans



The Mundanity of Excellence: An Ethnographic Report on Stratification and Olympic Swimmers, Daniel F. Chambliss


Evidence on Attitudes toward Alternative Sharing Arrangements, Daniel Egan, Douglass J. Herrmann, and Derek C. Jones

Practising, Naomi Guttman

The Mountain; White Night; Wheel and Clay, Naomi Guttman

Codetermination: A Partial Review of Theory and Evidence, Geoffrey M. Hodgson and Derek C. Jones


Editorial Introduction, Derek C. Jones

Empirical Research into Codetermination: A Comment, Derek C. Jones

Framleioslusamvinnufelog: Kenningar og Reynsla (Alternative Sharing Arrangements: A Partial Review of the Evidence and Some Policy Implications for Iceland), Derek C. Jones

Government - Worker Cooperative Relations in Western Industrialized Economies, Derek C. Jones


British Evidence on the Employment Effects of Profit Sharing, Derek C. Jones and Jeffrey Pliskin


Review of The Message of the Mind in Neo-Confucianism by Wm. Theodore de Bary, Thomas A. Wilson


Champions: The Making of Olympic Swimmers, Daniel F. Chambliss

Fictions of the Feminine: Puritan Doctrine and the Representation of Women, Margaret Olofson Thickstun



The Productivity Effects of Worker Participation: Producer Cooperatives in Western Economies, Saul Estrin, Derek C. Jones, and Jan Svejnar

If I Had a Hammer: The Death of the Old Left and the Birth of the New Left, Maurice Isserman


Alternative Sharing Arrangements: A Review of the Evidence of Their Effects and Some Policy Implications for the U.S., Derek C. Jones

La Partecipazione al Capitale Negli Stati Uniti: Stime e Valutazioni, Derek C. Jones


The Productivity Effects of Worker Directors and Financial Participation by Employees in the Firm: The Case of British Retail Cooperatives, Derek C. Jones


Before Reading: Narrative Conventions and the Politics of Interpretation, Peter J. Rabinowitz


Ambiguous Legacies, Derek C. Jones

Participation in Worker Cooperatives in Poland, Derek C. Jones

The Scope and Nature of Feasible Initiatives in Workplace Democratization and Participation, Derek C. Jones


Assuming the Obvious: A Reply to Derek Longhurst, Peter J. Rabinowitz

Shifting Stands, Shifting Standards: Reading, Interpretation, and Literary Judgment, Peter J. Rabinowitz


From Christiana to Stand-Fast: Subsuming the Feminine in The Pilgrim's Progress, Margaret Olofson Thickstun



Why Not Read the Best?, Daniel F. Chambliss


The Effects of Workers' Participation on Enterprise Performance: Empirical Evidence from French Cooperatives, Jacques Defourney, Saul Estrin, and Derek C. Jones

Bilingual; Cocoons, Naomi Guttman

Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms, Derek C. Jones

In Search of a Theory of Formation for U.S. Producer Cooperatives: Tests of Alternative Hypotheses, Derek C. Jones

The Cooperative Sector and Dualism in Command Economies: Theory and Evidence for the Case of Poland, Derek C. Jones


The Economic Performance of Producer Co-operatives within Command Economies: Evidence for the Case of Poland, Derek C. Jones


The Potential Role of Workers' Co-Operatives in Poland, Derek C. Jones

Participation, Profit Sharing, Worker Ownership and Efficiency in Italian Producer Cooperative, Derek C. Jones and Jan Svejnar

Circumstantial Evidence: Musical Analysis and Theories of Reading, Peter J. Rabinowitz


The Turn of the Glass Key: Popular Literature as a Reading Strategy, Peter J. Rabinowitz

The Preface to Bunyan's Grace Abounding as Pauline Epistle, Margaret Olofson Thickstun



Suing the Philadelphia Police: The Case for an Institutional Approach, Frank Anechiarico

American Producer Cooperatives and Employee Owned Firms: A Historical Perspective, Derek C. Jones

Price Expectations and Union Growth: Some Efficient Results for the U.S.A., 1953-1970, Derek C. Jones and Subrahmanyam Ganti

Self Help Production Cooperatives: Government Administered Cooperatives During the Depression, Derek C. Jones and Donald J. Schneider


Which Side Were You On?: The American Communist Party during the Second World War, Maurice Isserman

British Producer Cooperatives, 1948-1968: Productivity and Organizational Structure, Derek C. Jones

The United States of America: A Survey of Producer Co-operative Performance, Derek C. Jones

Participatory and Self-Managed Firms: Evaluating Economic Performance, Derek C. Jones and Jan Svejnar

The Economic Performance of Participatory and Self-Managed Firms: An Historical Perspective and a Review, Derek C. Jones and Jan Svejnar

Legends of Toothpaste and Love: Margaret Ayer Barnes and the Poetics of Stupidity, Peter J. Rabinowitz and Nancy S. Rabinowitz


Urban America: Politics and Policy, Eugene Lewis and Frank Anechiarico

Assertion and Assumption: Fictional Patterns and the External World, Peter J. Rabinowitz

Pleasure in Conflict: Mahler’s Sixth, Tragedy, and Musical Form, Peter J. Rabinowitz



Producer Co-operatives in Industrialised Western Economies, Derek C. Jones


The Critical Balance: Reader, Text, and Meaning, Nancy S. Rabinowitz and Peter J. Rabinowitz

Rats Behind the Wainscoting: Politics, Convention, and Chandler’s The Big Sleep, Peter J. Rabinowitz


Les Cooperatives de Production dans les Economies Industrialises, Derek C. Jones


U.S. Producer Cooperatives: The Record to Date, Derek C. Jones


The Click of the Spring: The Detective Story as Parallel Structure in Dostoyevsky and Faulkner, Peter J. Rabinowitz


Who Was That Lady? Pluralism and Critical Method, Peter J. Rabinowitz



Producer Cooperatives in Industrialized Western Economies: An Overview, Derek C. Jones


The Bullock Report, Derek C. Jones

The Economics of Industrial Relations of American Producer Cooperatives, 1791-1939, Derek C. Jones

Worker Participation in Management in Britain: Evaluation, Current Developments and Prospects, Derek C. Jones


British Producer Cooperatives in the Footwear Industry: An Empirical Evaluation of the Theory of Financing, Derek C. Jones and David K. Backus


Truth in Fiction: A Reexamination of Audiences, Peter J. Rabinowitz



British Economic Thought on Association of Laborers 1848-1974, Derek C. Jones



British Producer Cooperatives and the Views of the Webbs on Participation and Ability to Survive, Derek C. Jones

Workers' Management in Britain, Derek C. Jones


The Organization of Government in Monroe County, Indiana in Relation to the Provision of Water and Sewerage Services; A Report of the School for Public & Environmental Affairs, Frank Anechiarico