Faculty Works | Hamilton College




Red Elephant, Naomi Guttman

The Banquet of Donny & Ari: Scenes From the Opera, Naomi Guttman


Membership and Performance in Finnish Financial Cooperatives: A New View of Cooperatives?, Derek C. Jones and Panu Palmi

Being “the Gay” on Campus: Developing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and/or Queer Identities in a College Context, Chaise LaDousa

College Students’ Experiences of Power and Marginality: Sharing Spaces and Negotiating Differences, Elizabeth M. Lee and Chaise LaDousa


Comparative Efficiency Between Cooperative, Savings and Commercial Banks in Europe Using the Frontier Approach, Mikko Mäkinen and Derek C. Jones

In Other Wor(l)ds: Situated Intersectionality in Italy, Heather Merrill

Spaces of Danger: Culture and Power in the Everyday, Heather Merrill


Returning and Reuse: Diachronic Perspectives on Multi-Component Cemeteries and Mortuary Politics at Middle Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Tara, Ireland, Colin P. Quinn

Signals in Stone: Exploring the Role of Social Information Exchange, Conspicuous Consumption, and Costly Signaling Theory in Lithic Analysis, Colin P. Quinn


Poems, Andrew Rippeon

PORCHES, Andrew Rippeon

PRIEST, Andrew Rippeon


Aviation’s Heartland: The Flying Farmers and Postwar Flight, Peter Simons



Estabilidad laboral y productividad en el Grupo Eroski [Job Security and Productivity at Eroski Group], Saioa Arando, Monica Gago, Derek C. Jones, and Takao Kato

Radiocarbon Dates of the Middle Bronze Age Settlement at Micești-Cigaș (Alba County, Romania), Gabriel Bălan and Colin P. Quinn

How College Works, Daniel F. Chambliss and Christopher G. Takacs


Review of No Sympathy for the Devil: Christian Pop Music and the Transformation of American Evangelicalism, by David W. Stowe, Stephen Ellingson


Introduction: Narrative Perspectives and Interior Spaces in Literature Before 1850, Monika Fludernik and Suzanne Keen

A Letter to My Kinfolk on the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Emancipation, A. Todd Franklin


Human Footprint Series: Snow; In memoriam: Sonata 1014, Naomi Guttman

Theories of play; Beautiful beast; Bel Canto, Naomi Guttman


Tracking the Global through the Local: Slon/Iskra’s Documentaries of Displacement, Martine Guyot-Bender


Plane gravitational waves and flat space in loop quantum gravity, F. Hinterleitner and Seth Major

The Effects of Innovative Work Practices on Firm and Worker Outcomes: Evidence from Lithuania, Derek C. Jones, Modestas Gelbuda, and Kimberly Walker

Transformation by Fire: the Archaeology of Cremation in Cultural Context, Ian Kuijt, Colin P. Quinn, and Gabriel Cooney

Hindi Is Our Ground, English Is Our Sky: Education, Language, and Social Class in Contemporary India, Chaise LaDousa


Subject to Address in a Digital Literacy Initiative: Neoliberal Agency and the Promises and Predicaments of Participation, Chaise LaDousa


White Kids: Language, Race, and Styles of Youth Identity (review), Chaise LaDousa


Granularity in angle: Observability in scattering experiments, Seth Major and Jake Christopher Zappala '12


Postcolonial Borderlands: Black Life Worlds and Relational Place in Turin, Italy, Heather Merrill

Romanticism and the Materiality of Nature, Onno Oerlemans

Refocusing the Lens: Pranlal K. Patel's Photographs of Women at Work in Ahmedabad, Pranlal K. Patel, Lisa Trivedi, and Robert Knight

Early Regional Centers: Evolution and Organization, Colin P. Quinn and Casey R. Barrier

Perspectives—Complexities of Terminologies and Intellectual Frameworks in Cremation Studies, Colin P. Quinn, Lynne Goldstein, Gabriel Cooney, and Ian Kuijt

Introduction: Contextualizing Cremations, Colin P. Quinn, Ian Kuijt, and Gabriel Cooney

Euclid at the Core: Recentering Literary Education, Peter J. Rabinowitz and Corinne Bancroft '10

“Thanks to All At Once and to Each One": Continuing the Conversation, Peter J. Rabinowitz and Corinne Bancroft '10


Bebop, Broadcast, Podcast, Audioglyph: Scanning Kamau Brathwaite’s Mediated Sounds, Andrew Rippeon

Introduction, Larry Eigner: Letters to Jargon, Andrew Rippeon


Is Russia a Militocracy? Conceptual Issues and Extant Findings Regarding Elite Militarization, David W. Rivera and Sharon Werning Rivera

Tsel’ bakalavriata i magistratury v SShA: kratkoe vvedenie (The Goals of a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree in the U.S.: A Brief Introduction), Sharon Werning Rivera and David W. Rivera

Making Women (In)Visible? Homespun in the Nationalist Politics of Dress and Identity in Modern India, 1917-1935, Lisa Trivedi

Reading the Analects in the Sage’s Courtyard: A Modern Diner’s Guide to an Ancient Feast, Thomas A. Wilson


Review of Confucianism as a World Religion by Anna Sun, Thomas A. Wilson


Review of The Dysfunction of Ritual in Early Confucianism by Michael David KaulanaIng, Thomas A. Wilson


Spirits and the Soul in Confucian Ritual Discourse, Thomas A. Wilson


Oversight and Accountability in Contingency Contracting: Ethical Management in a Conflict Zone, Frank Anechiarico and Gjalt de Graaf

Cronkite's War: His World War II Letters Home, Walter Cronkite, IV and Maurice Isserman

Packaging Religious Experience, Selling Modular Religion: Explaining the Emergence and Expansion of Megachurches, Stephen Ellingson

Institutional Innovation in Mondragon: Context, Shape and Consequence, Fred Freundlich, Saioa Arando, Monica Gago, Derek C. Jones, and Takao Kato


Supermarket Blues; Table d'hote; Putting By; Feast and Famine, Naomi Guttman

A&Q Presents: September 11, 2013, Naomi Guttman and Nick Geisler '14

The Magic of Dumplings: Bringing Pierogi into the (New) World, Naomi Guttman and Frank Sciacca


Employee Ownership as a Mechanism to Enhance Corporate Governance and Moderate Executive Pay Levels, Derek C. Jones

Cooperative Enterprise, Derek C. Jones and Panu Kalmi

Information Technology and High Performance Workplace Practices: Evidence on Their Incidence from Upstate New York Establishments, Derek C. Jones and Jeffrey Pliskin


“Everyone’s Got Room to Grow”: A Discourse Analysis of the Rhetoric of Service Learning in Higher Education, Chaise LaDousa

A&Q Presents: November 13, 2013, Doran Larson and Emma Laperruque '14

Who Gets to Be Italian? Black Life Worlds and White Spatial Imaginaries in Turin, Heather Merrill

Foreword, Heather Merrill and Donald Carter


The Animal in Allegory: From Chaucer to Gray, Onno Oerlemans

The Tempo of Life and Death During the Early Bronze Age at the Mound of the Hostages, Tara, Colin P. Quinn and Ian Kuijt

John Adams’s New Mythology: Doctor Atomic , Narrative Theory, and the Rhetorical Poetics of Music, Peter J. Rabinowitz

Prodigal Summer, Barbara Kingsolver (2000), Janelle A. Schwartz

The Life and Work of Barbara Kingsolver, Janelle A. Schwartz

A&Q Presents: December 11, 2013, Jane Springer and Kina Viola '14


Language Management/Labor, Bonnie Urciuoli and Chaise LaDousa


宋明清的郊祀論述及儒臣對神明的概念 (The Song-Ming-Qing Discourse on the Suburban Sacrifice and the Confucian Conception of Spirits), Thomas A. Wilson


The Moral Dimension of Security Outsourcing, Frank Anechiarico and John Dehn

Twinning Effectiveness and Integrity: Lessons from Management Reforms in the Fight Against Police Corruption in New York City, Frank Anechiarico and Dennis Smith

The Joint Pursuit of Government Integrity and High Performance, Frank Anechiarico and Dennis C. Smith

El Quijote y Cantinflas, Luisa Briones

Los Quijotes de Gil, Gutiérrez Aragón, Welles y Gavaldón: nuevas aproximaciones teóricas, Luisa Briones


Search for a T-odd, P-even triple correlation in neutron decay, T. E. Chupp, R. L. Cooper, K. P. Coulter, S. J. Freedman, B. K. Fujikawa, A. Garcia, Gordon L. Jones, H. P. Mumm, J. S. Nico, A. K. Thompson, C. A. Trull, F. E. Wietfeldt, and J. F. Wilkerson

Milton's Rival Hermeneutics: Reason is but Choosing, Richard J. DuRocher and Margaret Olofson Thickstun

Episcopal Power and Ecclesiastical Reform in the German Empire: Tithes, Lordship and Community, 950-1150, John Eldevik


Review of Between God & Green, by Katherine K. Wilkinson, Stephen Ellingson


The Structure of Religious Environmentalism: Movement Organizations, Interorganizational Networks, and Collective Action, Stephen Ellingson, Vernon A. Woodley, and Anthony Paik


The cone of Betti diagrams over a hypersurface ring of low embedding dimension, Courtney Gibbons, Jesse Burke, Daniel Erman, and Christine Berkesch


Loop quantum gravity phenomenology: Linking loops to observational physics, F. Girelli, F. Hinterleitner, and Seth Major

Scenes from the Opera: On Writing a Novella-in-Verse, Naomi Guttman


Sour Teeth, Naomi Guttman

State of the union; La dolce vita; Western chorus frog; Black leather couch; Minatory spring; Construction site; The long marriage; Early Music; Cockshut, Naomi Guttman

Thin Wishes; Domestic Dirge, Naomi Guttman


Trial by Pancake: Confessions in Child-Feeding, Naomi Guttman


Grandeur et Misères de la lecture: Les Belles Images de Simone de Beauvoir, Martine Guyot-Bender


Plane gravitational waves and loop quantization, F. Hinterleitner and Seth Major


Toward loop quantization of plane gravitational waves, F. Hinterleitner and Seth Major


Optically Trapped Fluorescent Nanodiamonds, Viva Horowitz


Electron spin resonance of nitrogen-vacancy centers in optically trapped nanodiamonds, Viva R. Horowitz, Benjamin J. Alemán, David J. Christle, Andrew N. Cleland, and David D. Awschalom


Economies of Scale Versus Participation: a Co-operative Dilemma?, Derek C. Jones and Panu Kalmi


Financial Participation in Finland: Incidence and Determinants, Derek C. Jones, Panu Kalmi, Takao Kato, and Mikko Mäkinen


The Effects of General and Firm-specific Training on Wages and Performance: Evidence from Banking, Derek C. Jones, Panu Kalmi, and Antti Kauhanen


Incidence, Coverage and Employee Knowledge of Participation in Financial Incentive Schemes: Evidence from US Cases, Derek C. Jones and Takao Kato

Insider Ownership and Firm Performance: Evidence from Bulgaria, Derek C. Jones and Mark Klinedinst


Family of Man, Robert Knight

Biography of the Neolithic Body: Tracing Pathways to Cist II,Mound of the Hostages, Tara, Ian Kuijt and Colin P. Quinn

On Mother and Other Tongues: Sociolinguistics, Schools, and Language Ideology in Northern India, Chaise LaDousa


A first course in loop quantum gravity, Seth Major