

The Determinants of Employee Participation during Fading Communism and Early Transition, Derek C. Jones and Kosali Ilayperuma


Productive Efficiency during Transition: Evidence from Bulgarian Panel Data, Derek C. Jones, Mark Klinedinst, and Charles Rock


Work Incentives and Other Effects of the Transition to Social Assistance in the Transition Economies: Evidence from Bulgaria, Derek C. Jones and Mariana M. Kotzeva


Neutron polarizers based on polarized He-3, C. D. Keith, T. C. Black, X. Fei, M. Flamini, T. R. Gentile, Gordon L. Jones, D. R. Rich, W. M. Snow, A. K. Thompson, and F. E. Wietfeldt


"Squandered on Communism": Shostakovich During the Cold War, Peter J. Rabinowitz


MRI of hyperpolarized He-3 gas in human paranasal sinuses, Rahim R. Rizi, Ivan E. Dimitrov, Alan Thompson, Gordon L. Jones, Tom R. Gentile, Masaru Ishii, Ravinder Reddy, Mitchell D. Schall, and John S. Leigh


Social Economic Transformation in Bulgaria: An Empirical Assessment of the Merchant Capitalism Thesis, Kenneth I. Spenner and Derek C. Jones


Strong Legacies and Weak Markets: Bulgarian State-Owned Enterprises During Early Transition, Kenneth I. Spenner, Olga O. Suhomlinova, Sten A. Thore, Kenneth C. Land, and Derek C. Jones


Review of The Temple of Memories by Jun Jing, Thomas A. Wilson

一個被忽略學者所留下之不可磨滅印記漢學詮釋學之重整 (The Indelible Mark of an Overlooked Scholar: Toward a Restructuring of Sinological Hermeneutics), Thomas A. Wilson



Gravity and BF theory defined in bounded regions, V. Husain and Seth Major

Journey to Freedom: The African-American Great Migration, Maurice Isserman

Employees as stakeholders, Derek C. Jones


The Nature and the Determinants of Labor Market Transitions in Former Communist Economies: Evidence from Bulgaria, Derek C. Jones and Takao Kato

Profit Sharing and Gain Sharing: A Review of Theory, Incidence and Effects, Derek C. Jones, Takao Kato, and Jeffrey Pliskin

The Bulgarian Economy: Lessons from Reform during Early Transition, Derek C. Jones and Jeffrey B. Miller

Enterprise Adjustment during Transition: Evidence from Bulgaria, Derek C. Jones and Stoyko Nikolov


Determinants of the Incidence of Group Incentives: Evidence from Canada, Derek C. Jones and Jeffrey Pliskin


Romanticism and the Metaphysics of Species, Onno Oerlemans


The Puritan Origins of Gulliver's Conversion in Houyhnhnmland, Margaret Olofson Thickstun


The Pursuit of Absolute Integrity: How Corruption Control Makes Government Ineffective, Frank Anechiarico and James B. Jacobs

The Productivity Effects of Employee Participation in Control and in Economic Returns: A Review of Empirical Evidence, Avner Ben-Ner, Tzu-Shian Han, and Derek C. Jones


The geometry of quantum spin networks, R. Borissov, Seth Major, and L. Smolin

Beyond Caring: Hospitals, Nurses, and the Social Organization of Ethics, Daniel F. Chambliss


Dream of the Mother Language: Myth and History in She Tries Her Tongue, Her Silence Softly Breaks, Naomi Guttman

Harmony and Resistance in L'Amour, la fantasia's Algerian Women's Communities, Martine Guyot-Bender

Evaluation of Active and Passive Labour Market Policy in Bulgaria: A Comment, Derek C. Jones

Successor Unions and the Evolution of Industrial Relations in Former Communist Countries, Derek C. Jones

The Nature and Performance of Small Firms in Bulgaria, Derek C. Jones


The Determinants of Chief Executive Compensation in Transitional Economies: Evidence form Bulgaria, Derek C. Jones and Takao Kato

Employee Ownership and Control: Evidence from Russia, Derek C. Jones and Thomas Weisskopf


Mixmaster quantum cosmology in terms of physical dynamics, Seth Major and L. Smolin


Quantum deformation of quantum gravity, Seth Major and L. Smolin


Historical Cleavages or Transition Mode? Influences on the Emerging Party Systems in Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia, Sharon Werning Rivera


The Ritual Formation of Confucian Orthodoxy and the Descendants of the Sage, Thomas A. Wilson


Purging Corruption from Public Contracting: The "Solutions" Are Now Part of the Problem, Frank Anechiarico and James B. Jacobs


The Justified Scoundrel: The Structural Genesis of Corruption, Frank Anechiarico and Lenore Kuo


Employee Participation, Ownership, and Productivity: A Theoretical Framework, Avner Ben-Ner and Derek C. Jones


Review of Practicing Virtues: Moral Traditions at Quaker and Military Boarding Schools, by Kim Hays, Stephen Ellingson


Understanding the Dialectic of Discourse and Collective Action: Public Debate and Rioting in Antebellum Cincinnati, Stephen Ellingson

Witness to War: Vietnam, Maurice Isserman


Employee Participation During the Early Stages of Transition: Evidence from Bulgaria, Derek C. Jones

Employee Participation in Transitional Economies: Evidence from Bulgarian Managers, Derek C. Jones


Successor Unions in Transitional Economies: Evidence from St. Petersburg, Derek C. Jones

Worker's Participation, Employee Ownership, and Productivity: Results from French Producer Cooperatives, Derek C. Jones and Saul Estrin

Japan: Financial Participation in the Context of Human Resources and Heightened Competitiveness, Derek C. Jones and Takao Kato

The Productivity Effects of Employee Stock-Ownership Plans and Bonuses: Evidence from Japanese Panel Data, Derek C. Jones and Takao Kato


Managerial Labour Markets in Transitional Economies: Evidence from Bulgaria, Derek C. Jones, Takao Kato, and Svetlana Avramov


Industrial Organization in a Restructuring Socialist Economy: Evidence from Bulgaria, Derek C. Jones and Svilen Parvulov


Cosmological histories for the new variables of Ashtekar, Seth Major and L. Smolin


Representing the Kosmos: The Lyric Turn in Whitman's "Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking", Onno Oerlemans


Shelley's Ideal Body: Vegetarianism and Nature, Onno Oerlemans

Zoning out of Literary Studies, Peter J. Rabinowitz

Tendentsii formirovaniya sostava post-kommunisticheskoi elity v Rossii: reputatsionnyi analiz (Trends in the Formation of Russia’s Post-Communist Elite: A Reputational Analysis), Sharon Werning Rivera

Tendentsii formirovaniya sostava postkommunisticheskoy elity Rossii: reputatsionnyy analiz (Trends in the Formation of Russia's Post-Communist Elite: A Reputational Analysis), Sharon Werning Rivera


Writing the Spirit: Margaret Fell's Feminist Critique of Pauline Theology, Margaret Olofson Thickstun

Genealogy of the Way: The Construction and Uses of the Confucian Tradition in Late Imperial China, Thomas A. Wilson


Laser oriented K-36 for time-reversal symmetry measurements, A. R. Young, W. S. Anderson, F. P. Calaprice, G. D. Cates, Gordon L. Jones, D. A. Krieger, and R. B. Vogelaar



Panopticism and Financial Controls: The Anti-Corruption Project in Public Administration, Frank Anechiarico and James B. Jacobs

Visions of Corruption Control and the Evolution of American Public Administration, Frank Anechiarico and James B. Jacobs

Privatization in the Former Soviet Union and the New Russia, Alexander Bim, Derek C. Jones, and Thomas Weisskopf


Review of Discreet Indiscretions: The Social Organization of Gossip, by Jörg R. Bergmann, Stephen Ellingson

Homelessness: A Sourcebook, Rick Fantasia and Maurice Isserman

Participation des Salaries aux Benefices et au Controle de l'Enterprise: Un Cadre Conceptuel, Derek C. Jones

Privatization in Bulgaria, Derek C. Jones and Charles Rock


The Meanest Thing that Feels: Anthropomorphizing Animals in Romanticism, Onno Oerlemans

"Betraying the Sender": The Rhetoric and Ethics of Fragile Texts, Peter J. Rabinowitz


Confucian Sectarianism and the Compilation of the Ming History, Thomas A. Wilson


Genealogy and History in Neo-Confucian Sectarian Uses of the Confucian Past, Thomas A. Wilson

宋明清儒学派别争论与明史的编纂 (Confucian Sectarianism and the Compilation of the Ming History), Thomas A. Wilson



Straining at the Tie That Binds: Congregational Conflict in the 1980s, Penny Edgell Becker, Stephen Ellingson, Richard W. Flory, Wendy Griswold, Fred Kniss, and Timothy Nelson


Hybrid Forms of Enterprise Organization in the Former USSR and the Russian Federation, Alexander S. Bim, Derek C. Jones, and Thomas E. Weisskopf

Theoretical and Empirical Studies of Producer Cooperatives: Will Ever the Twain Meet?, John P. Bonin, Derek C. Jones, and Louis Putterman


Is Bioethics Relevant?, Daniel F. Chambliss

The Ethnography of Morality, the Morality of Ethnography, Daniel F. Chambliss

The Changing Face of Labor Relations and Industrial Relations in Bulgaria, Derek C. Jones


The Productivity Effects of Employee Ownership within Command Economies: Evidence from Poland, Derek C. Jones


Employee Stock Ownership Plans and Productivity in Japanese Manufacturing Firms, Derek C. Jones and Takao Kato


The Scope, Nature, and Effects of Employee Stock Ownership Plans in Japan, Derek C. Jones and Takao Kato

The Italian System of Producer Cooperatives, Derek C. Jones and Alberto Zevi


Whitman and the Erotics of Lyric, Onno Oerlemans

Introduction: Readings of Narrative, Peter J. Rabinowitz


"With Our Own Dominant Passions": Gottschalk, Gender, and the Power of Listening, Peter J. Rabinowitz



The Continuing Saga of Municipal Reform: New York City and the Politics of Ethics Law, Frank Anechiarico and James B. Jacobs


Labor-Managed Cooperatives and Private Firms in North Central Italy: An Empirical Comparison, Will Bartlett, John Cable, Saul Estrin, Derek C. Jones, and Stephen C. Smith


The Viability of Employee-Owned Firms: Evidence from France, Saul Estrin and Derek C. Jones

The Korean War, Maurice Isserman

The Vietnam War, Maurice Isserman


Blacklisting Public Contractors as an Anti-Corruption and Racketeering Strategy, James B. Jacobs and Frank Anechiarico

The Transformation of Labor Unions in Eastern Europe: The Case of Bulgaria, Derek C. Jones

Democracy at the Workplace, Derek C. Jones and Charles Rock


The Seriousness of the "Nun's Priest's Tale", Onno Oerlemans


"This was a Woman that taught": Feminist Scriptural Exegesis in the Seventeenth Century, Margaret Olofson Thickstun

Studies in Caribbean and South American Literature: An Annotated Bibliography, 1990, Lucy Wilson and Naomi Guttman


Beyond Bribery: The Political Influence of Organized Crime in New York City, Frank Anechiarico

What Phenomenology Can Do For Nursing, Daniel F. Chambliss


Review of The Politics of Official Discourse in Twentieth-Century South Africa, by Adam Ashforth, Stephen Ellingson

Ginette; Shelter; He Is, Naomi Guttman

Median with Weeds; Reasons for Winter, Naomi Guttman

Reasons for Winter, Naomi Guttman