Type of Work

Research Paper

Publication Date

Summer 8-13-2021


The Covid-19 pandemic and the consequent stay-at-home order in the United States have caused families to create offices and classrooms in their homes. For many families, their children’s age and school closures increased a need for parental guidance and academic aid. Recent research has investigated how families managed their children’s education and adult work priorities, finding that, during the pandemic, mothers were often called upon as the primary academic aid (Miller 2020; Miller 2021; Marshall 2021;). To do so, many women had to leave positions or decrease their employment hours (Marshall 2021). While research speculates about the long-term effects of this trend that is being called the “shecession”, it is also critical to explore the current challenges mothers are facing (Marshall 2021). This research seeks to understand the current experiences of women as they navigate the workforce and occupational identity alongside pandemic-related at-home schooling. Based on interviews with 18 parents, researchers were able to hear directly about the experiences of being a parent during the pandemic.

Hamilton Areas of Study


Hamilton Sponsoring Organization

Levitt Public Affairs Center

Hamilton Scholarship Series

Levitt Summer Research Group Grant

Hamilton Faculty Advisor

Mahala Stewart
