
While urban charter schools often share similar mission statements emphasizing high intellectual standards, challenges, and opportunities for students, little research has directly examined how these missions shape teaching and learning inside the classroom. Building on educational research on neoliberal education reform policies, the distinctions between traditional public schools and charter schools, and the theories of racialized organization and hidden curricula, I investigate the pedagogical practices of an urban charter school that are derived from its mission statement and their impacts on marginalized students. Through three months of fieldwork and interviews with teachers and administrators, I argue that urban charter school missions can serve as a mechanism for imposing a neoliberal and racialized hidden curriculum, perpetuating inequalities, and controlling marginalized students through stringent disciplinary measures.

Type of Work

Thesis - Limited Access

Department or Program



Hamilton College


Bachelor of Arts

Date of Graduation


Faculty Advisor

Mahala Stewart

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
