Deterministic Quantum Emitter Formation in Hexagonal Boron Nitride via Controlled Edge Creation
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Nano Letters
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Quantum emitters (QEs) in 2D hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) are extremely bright and are stable at high temperature and under harsh chemical conditions. Because they reside within an atomically thin 2D material, these QEs have a unique potential to couple strongly to hybrid optoelectromechanical and quantum devices. However, this potential for coupling has been underexplored because of challenges in nanofabrication and patterning of hBN QEs. Motivated by recent studies showing that QEs in hBN tend to form at edges, we use a focused ion beam (FIB) to mill an array of patterned holes into hBN. Using optical confocal microscopy, we find arrays of bright, localized photoluminescence that match the geometry of the patterned holes. Furthermore, second-order photon correlation measurements on these bright spots reveal that they contain single and multiple QEs. By optimizing the FIB parameters, we create patterned single QEs with a yield of 31%, a value close to Poissonian limit. Using atomic force microscopy to study the morphology near emission sites, we find that single QE yield is highest with smoothly milled holes on unwrinkled hBN. This technique dramatically broadens the utility and convenience of hBN QEs and achieves a vital step toward the facile integration of the QEs into large-scale photonic, plasmonic, nanomechanical, or optoelectronic devices.
Citation Information
Ziegler, Joshua; Klaiss, Rachael; Blaikie, Andrew; Miller, David; Horowitz, Viva R.; and Alemán, Benjamin J., "Deterministic Quantum Emitter Formation in Hexagonal Boron Nitride via Controlled Edge Creation" (2019). Hamilton Digital Commons.
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