Articles and Features
A Bibliography of Shaker-Authored and Shaker-Related Articles in Spiritualist Periodicals, David Newell and Cass Nawrocki
Abijah Alley of Long Hollow: Preacher, Shaker Apostate, and Backwoods Prophet of the American South, Nancy Gray Schoonmaker and Christian Goodwillie
A Chapter on the Shakers: Reprint, Isaac Hill
A Comparison of the Shaker Medicinal Herb Industries in Mount Lebanon and Groveland, New York, Paige Cross
A Dialogue Between George the Third of Great-Britain and his Ministers
A Gentile’s Invitation to Shiloh, House of David, Henry M. Yaple
A Gold Blossom: Practice, Rhetorical Invention, and Spirit Control in Amanda Jones’s Psychic Autobiography, Elizabeth Lowry
“A great blessing to mankind”: The Medicated Vapour Bath at the Shaker Community of New Lebanon, Kerry Hackett
A. J. MacDonald’s Visits to the Shakers
A List of People from the Valley Forge Community Who Joined the Shakers between 1827 and 1831, Stephen J. Paterwic
Alpha and Omega: The 1804 Shaker Church of Christ Missionary Letter and Richard McNemar’s 1838 Draft of an Answer, Christian Goodwillie
An Attempt to Have a Law Enacted by the General Court in Boston to Allow Heirs to Inherit Property Previously Dedicated to the Shakers, Stephen J. Paterwic
An Uncharted Union: The Shakers and the Amana Inspirationists, Peter Hoehnle
A Photograph of the 1908 Print Shop at the Israelite House of David, Brian Ziebart
A Postscript to Writings of Shaker Apostates and Anti-Shakers, 1782-1850: New Light on Benjamin West, William Scales, Benjamin Green, and Zebulon Huntington, Christian Goodwillie
Appendix 1: Shaker Revolutionary War Veterans
Appendix 2: [Petition of Massachusetts Shakers to the State Legislature, 1788.]
Appendix 3: [Father Joseph Meacham’s statement on conscientious objection.]
Appendix 7: A few remarks on the subject of Military Pensions. By Freegift Wells
A “Prophet to Your Father”: Martin Harris and the Printing of the Book of Mormon, Rick Grunder
A Question of Pacifism or Patriotism: The Amana Society during World War I, Jon Childers
A Sampling of Rare Shaker Broadsides at Hamilton College Library, Christian Goodwillie
A Short History of the Columbian Phalanx, Julieanna Frost
A Statement Concerning the Mob at Enfield
A Treasury of Shaker Ephemera Rediscovered at the Western Reserve Historical Society, Christian Goodwillie
A Tribute to Benjamin Gates., Ezra J. Stewart
Awaiting the Second Coming in the Piney Woods: The New House of Israel, Julieanna Frost
A Young Shaker Among the Eddys
Banana Culture. The Splendid Fruit Grows Naturally in Florida–How to Cultivate.
Benn Pitman's "Visit to the Shaker Settlement—Whitewater Village, O.": Introduction, David D. Newell
Bibliography of Publications by Shaker Physicians William Pennebaker and Frank Tripp, Randall L. Ericson
Birth, Life, and Death of Olive Branch, 1896-1924, Vernon Squire
Black Shaker Minstrels and the Comic Performance of Shaker Worship, Robert P. Emlen
“Blacksmith by Trade”: The Journey of African-American Shaker Justinian Cartwright, Rebekah Brummett
Book Production in Communal Ebenezer, New York, and Amana, Iowa, Lanny Haldy
Brother Philemon Stewart as Church Family Physician: Re-imagining a Portion of His “toiling, stormy, industrious, valuable life”, Kerry Hackett
Brother Ricardo Belden Revisited, Magda Gabor-Hotchkiss
Canterbury’s Shaker Museum: Curating the Past During Times of Change and Crisis, Becky Soules
Canterbury Takes the Lead, Stephen J. Paterwic
Cassava and Arrowroot. Two Prolific Plants Which Promise Great Profits in the Coming Industrial Development of Florida., Ezra J. Stewart
Celebrating and Sacralizing Violence: Testimonies Concerning Ann Lee and the Early Shakers, Stephen J. Stein
Church of Christ unto a People in Kentucky & the Adjacent States, David Meacham, Amos Hammond, and Ebenezer Cooly
Church of Christ unto a People in Kentucky & the Adjacent States: Introduction, Ralph Stenstrom
Citrus Groves in Florida. Practical Information Relating to Planting, Cultivating, Gathering and Marketing Oranges, Grapefruit, etc., Ezra J. Stewart
College Book Clubs: Collaborating for Success, Lisa A. Forrest
Comment, Randall Ericson
Communal Vegetarianism: The Sacred Diet of Mary’s City of David, Julieanna Frost
Conflict and Tribulation on the Frontier: The West Union Shakers and Their Retreat, Carol Medlicott
Critical Approaches to the Curator: 'The Illuminated Guide and the Medieval Curator', Nhora Lucía Serrano
“Cummings and Goings”: The Impact of Shakerism on the Family of Edward T. Cummings, Mary Ann Haagen
Daniel Pierce Thompson and “The Shaker Lovers”: Portraying the Shakers in Fiction and on the Stage, Brian L. Bixby and Jill Mudgett
Daughter of the Shakers: The Story of Eleanor Brooks Fairs, Johanne Grewell
“Dear Friend and Brother”: Ernest F. McGregor and the Shakers, Christian Goodwillie
Defending the House of David: Mary Purnell’s 1923 Testimony before a Michigan Grand Jury, Brian D. Carroll
Descriptive Bibliography of Imprints in the House of David Collection, Shannon McRae and Brian Ziebart
Document: A Journal of a Journey from Canterbury to Enfield [Connecticut], Stephen J. Paterwic and John Kaime
Document: An Account of an American Commune in the Soviet Union during the 1920s
Document: Church of Christ as printed by Richard McNemar, ca. 1831
Document: Columbian Phalanx Broadside
Document: Diary of Virginia H. Andrews of a visit to Mount Lebanon, New York, Shaker community, 1892, Virginia H. Andrews
Document: Richard McNemar, Draft of an Answer, ca. 1838
[Documents] Shaker Correspondence with the Amana Society: Charles Julius Preter and Ezra T. Stewart
Document: The Church of Christ, 1804
Document: “The Ora Labora Colony”, Emil Bauer
Document: The Shakers. [A Visitor’s Account of Hancock, Massachusetts, 1858], Therese Albertine Luise von Jakob Robinson
Earliest Known Photograph of Zoar Separatists, Wm. B. Becker
“Eat, and drink, and be merry”: A Clash Over the Opening of a Benedictine Brewery in Mid-Nineteenth- Century America, Philip Chivily
Ein kleiner Abriss von denen Irr- und Abwegen, derer von Gott gerufenen Seelen, Ezechiel Sangmeister and Ariel Godwin
Elwin E. Damkohler’s Account of the Koreshan Unity
Engaging Students Through Extended Simulations, Sharon Werning Rivera and Janet Thomas Simons
Excelsior Beneath the Water: Spiritualism, Socialism, Flood and Tragedy in Utopia, Ohio 1847, Mitchell K. Jones
“Father retains his love of Shakerdom”: The Journals of Wendell P. Elkins, 1874-1929, Galen Beale
First in the West: The Shaker Experience of Visionary Malcham Worley and His Family, Christian Goodwillie
“For the benefit of Believers only”: The Remarkable Odyssey of Thirty Medical Receipts, Kerry Hackett
“For Zion’s sake I will not hold my peace”: The Spiritual Travails of a Cochranite Woman, David Newell
Frederick Williams Evans’s Letter to Alcander Longley in the Phalansterian Record, Christian Goodwillie
“Freedom of the Press is Guaranteed Only to Those Who Own the Presses”, Henry M. Yaple
Free Press of the House of Israel: The First Publication of Benjamin Purnell
From Bishop Hill to Pleasant Hill: The Swedish Shaker Experience, John E. Norton
From the Russells to the Pilots: The Beginning and End of North Union, Cathie Winans
From Wuerttemberg to Zoar: Origins of a Separatist Community, Eberhard Fritz
George Darrow, an Early Shaker who “Turned Away”, Marilyn Cassidy
“God loves such a building”: Three Diagrammatic Shaker Drawings at Library of Congress, Carol Medlicott
Going Analog and Getting Artsy: Programming in the Academic Library, Lisa A. Forrest
'Grande Exhibitions’ Traveling Museum: A Modern Cabinet of Curiosity, Nhora Lucía Serrano
Hamilton college Library "Home Notes", Mark Tillson
Hamilton College Library “Home Notes”, Mark Tillson
Harmonisches Gesangbuch 1827: The Hymnal of a Religious Community in Early Nineteenth-Century America, Hedwig T. Durnbaugh
Heaven In A Hollow Earth: The Shaker-Koreshan Connection, Christian Goodwillie