Richard W. Couper Press
The Richard W. Couper Press publishes scholarship on communal studies and other topics that highlight the rich holdings of the Hamilton College Library’s Special Collections and Archives. The press was established in 2006 under the direction of Couper Librarian Randall Ericson and named in honor of Richard W. Couper ’44, a Hamilton alumnus, life trustee, and benefactor of the Burke Library. The press publishes a quarterly journal and three monograph series.
American Communal Societies QuarterlyAmerican Communal Societies Quarterly features scholarly articles focusing on those American communities that have intentionally separated themselves from society in general and live according to a shared set of principles, whether religious or secular, in common ownership of property.
Elder Rufus Bishop’s Journals, Rufus Bishop and Peter H. Van Demark
The Last Shaker Apostate: Augustus Wager and Union Village, Ohio, Thomas Sakmyster
An Annotated Bibliography of Inspirationist Publications in Germany and America, 1715-2013, Lanny Haldy
History of the Shakers at New Lebanon by Isaac Newton Youngs, 1780-1861, Isaac N. Youngs, Glendyne R. Wergland, and Christian Goodwillie
Demographic Directory of the Harmony Society, Eileen Aiken English
Symbols in the Wilderness: Early Masonic Survivals in Upstate New York, Joscelyn Godwin, Christian Goodwillie, and Marianita Peaslee
Iroquois-Language Manuscripts, ca. 1768-1803: The Samuel Kirkland Papers, Samuel Kirkland, Clifford Abbott, and Karim M. Tiro
Seeking Robert White: Quaker, Shaker, Husband, Father, Sandra A. Soule
Picturing the Shakers in the Era of Manifestations, Robert P. Emlen
The Encyclopedic Guide to American Intentional Communities, Timothy Miller
Jazz Tales from Jazz Legends: Oral Histories from the Fillius Jazz Archive at Hamilton College, Monk Rowe and Romy Britell
The Worthy Virgins: Mary Purnell and her City of David, Julieanna Frost
The Shakers of White Water, Ohio, 1823-1916, James R. Innis Jr. and Thomas Sakmyster
Shaker Cut-and-Fold Booklets: Unfolding the Gift Drawings of Emily Babcock, Sandra A. Soule
A Descriptive Bibliography of Imprints from the Israelite House of David and Mary's City of David, 1902-2010, Henry M. Yaple
The Shaker Spiritual Notices of Eleanor Potter, Jane F. Crosthwaite and Eleanor Potter
Tyringham Shakers, Stephen J. Paterwic
Shaker “Great Barns” 1820s-1880s: Evolution of Shaker Dairy Barn Design and Its Relation to the Agricultural Press, Lauren A. Stiles
The Collected Writings of Henry Cumings (1834-1913), Henry Cumings and Mary Ann Haagen
A Promising Venture: Shaker Photographs from the WPA, Lesley Herzberg
John Humphrey Noyes on Sexual Relations in the Oneida Community: Four Essential Texts, John Humphrey Noyes and Anthony Wonderly
The Shakers through French Eyes, E. Richard McKinstry
Partake a Little Morsel: Popular Shaker Hymns of the Nineteenth Century, Carol Medlicott
The Days of My Youth: A Childhood Memoir of Life in the Oneida Community, Corinna Ackley Noyes
A Bruised Idealist: David Lamson, Hopedale, and the Shakers, Peter Hoehnle
Independency of the Mind: Aquila Massie Bolton, Poetry, Shakerism, and Controversy, Sandra A. Soule
Visiting the Shakers, 1850-1899, Glendyne R. Wergland
Robert White Jr., Sandra A. Soule
The Prison Diary and Letters of Chester Gillette: September 18, 1907 through March 30, 1908, Chester Gillette, Jack Sherman, and Craig Brandon
Visiting the Shakers, 1778-1849, Glendyne R. Wergland
A Selected Catalog of the Ezra Pound Collection at Hamilton College, Cameron McWhirter and Randall L. Ericson
The Beinecke Lesser Antilles Collection at Hamilton College: A Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, Prints, Maps, and Drawings, 1521-1860, Samuel J. Hough and Penelope R. O. Hough