The Wietenberg Culture: Periodization and Chronology
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Dacia N. S.
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Based on pottery shapes and ornaments, the study proposes a new periodization of the Wietenberg culture in three distinctive phases: early, classical and late. The early phase is represented by pottery with origins in the late Early Bronze Age; it coincides with Chidioșan I‑II and Boroffka A1‑2 phases. According to the 14 C results, this phase can be dated between the 20th and the 18th centuries BC. In the classical phase, new elements in the pottery technology (shapes and decorations) emerged, present in the last two levels of the settlement at Derșida. This phase is similar to the Chidioșan III and Boroffka B‑C stages and, according to the 14 C dates it lasted between the 18th and the 16th centuries BC. The last phase was dened by N. Chidioșan, who identified at several sites vessels that were different in shape and ornament from the ones on the settlement at Derșida. The sites from this phase cover only the western half of the previously occupied area, as a consequence of the appearance of the Noua culture, contemporary for a short time with the Wietenberg. It is similar to Chidioșan IV and Boroffka D phases. The 14 C dates for the Noua and the late Wietenberg sites limit chronologically the late Wietenberg phase to the 16th and 15th centuries BC.
Citation Information
Bălan, Gabriel; Quinn, Colin P.; and Hodgins, Gregory, "The Wietenberg Culture: Periodization and Chronology" (2016). Hamilton Digital Commons.
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