A&Q Presents: December 11, 2013

Streaming Media


Jane Springer, assistant professor of English, received her Ph.D. in creative writing from Florida State University. Her first book, Dear Blackbird, won the Agha Shahid Ali prize for poetry (University of Utah Press, 2007). Other honors she's received include Pushcart nominations, an AWP intro award, a Best Emerging Writer award from the CLMP, and the Robert Penn Warren prize for poetry. She is a current recipient for an NEA fellowship. You may read more about her on the NEA’s Writer’s Corner at: http://www.arts.gov/features/Writers/.... Her academic interests include Southern literature, contemporary poetry, and poetics.

Kina Viola '14 hails from White Plains, New York and can't wait to get out of the suburbs. This past summer, she received an Emerson Grant to study and write about infinity with Assistant Professor of Philosophy Russell Marcus. She is interested in hybrid forms, book arts, sustainable agriculture, wine, and good stories. Kina also edits Hamilton's literary magazine, Red Weather.

Event Date


Event Location

Hamilton College, Clinton, NY, USA

Hamilton Areas of Study

Literature and Creative Writing

Hamilton Sponsoring Organization

Library and Information Technology Services

Hamilton Scholarship Series

Apple & Quill

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