A&Q Presents: September 9, 2014

Streaming Media


Nate Lanman '15 hails from White Plains, a suburb in the shadow of New York. Last summer, he received an Emerson Grant to study the evolution of the Modernist stream of consciousness narrative through its iterations in the twentieth century. At Hamilton, he is Senior Advisor to the radio station WHCL and is Editor-in-Chief of The Duel Observer. His poetry has appeared in Red Weather, Red River Review, Emerge, and, most often, in tatters in the cage of his fat black lab.

Mary Rice '15 is an English major from Rochester, NY. When she's not in class you can find her in the kitchens of McEwen dining hall baking desserts for her fellow Hamilton students. In her spare time she participates in Hamilton College Quiz Bowl, Kappa Sigma Alpha Sorority, The Duel Observer, Trivia Night, and Culinary Society, of which she is president. An avid foodie and writer, Mary intends to combine her passions towards a career in food journalism.

Event Date


Event Location

Hamilton College, Clinton, NY, USA

Hamilton Sponsoring Organization

Library and Information Technology Services

Hamilton Scholarship Series

Apple & Quill

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